How It Works ?

BookPal is a new generation library that provides a unique reading experience. Whether it is the convenience of ordering your book online or the pleasure of leafing through books in the library, BookPal offers you the right membership plans. We offer multiple membership plans to meet your reading needs. Plans are based on the number of books you can hold at a given time. All plans are unlimited rentals which depend on how fast you read and return your book/magazine.

Browse and Select Books

Walk into your nearest BookPal Library or search for your favourite books right here online. For your reading pleasure we also provide an added option to request a book which not in our catalogue.

How Do I Become A BookPal Member?

Please Note - Currently the membership is open to only those people who live or work in Gurugram.

Becoming a Member is Extremely Easy:

- First, decide the membership plan that you wish to sign up for

- Sign up online or visit the library on Sohna Road or call the store and ask for an executive to visit you

- Pay by card or cash

- Reserve books online for self-pickup or avail of free home delivery

How Do The Plans Work?

Whether it is the convenience of reserving your books online or the pleasure of leafing through books in the library, BookPal offers you the right membership plans. Our plans are based on the number of books you can hold at a given time. All plans are unlimited rentals which depend upon how fast you read and return your books/magazines.   

How Many Books Does BookPal Have?

BookPal has 10,000+ English books for the whole family. These are divided into the children's and the general sections. The general sections consist of more than 10 categories across fiction and non-fiction for adults. We also have an excellent budding Hindi fiction section for both children and adults. Moreover, we have a nascent magazine section which has already gained a lot of popularity and is poised to grow further in 2019. We add approximately 100 new books to our collection every month so ours is a dynamic library.

What Happens If The Book I Want Is With Another Reader?

Please inform us over phone or mail and we will follow up for the book for you. Once the book is back in the store, you will be informed and asked to reserve it.

What Happens If The Book I Want Is Not In The Collection?

BookPal prides itself on its collection. We are fast-growing and dynamic - both in terms of our books and our membership. We are confident that you will find many books of your interest in our excellent, lovingly curated collection. However, if there is something that we have missed, you can always let us know. On email or through the new purchase suggestion link, you can tell us about the books that you would like to read which are missing from our collection. Every month, we define our acquisition budget and priorities. If your suggestions fit that month's budget and line of purchase, they will definitely be accommodated. Else, they will be queued for a later time. Once books suggested by you are added to the collection, you will receive a notification and you can go ahead and reserve the books.

How Does The Delivery System Work?

Collect books from a BookPal Library or reserve them for free home-delivery from the website. No due dates or late fees for book rentals! Gives you ample time to read through your favourite reads, without having to worry about paying extra.